As I take time to reflect on this
past year, my heart rejoices. Many of
you know that this has been a year of challenge for me in many different
areas. I started out with the physical
challenge of adjusting to an artificial knee replacement in my left leg. I was excited about the family that would
come to Leticia to develop a discipleship training school. It was good to
receive them here in Leticia during the difficult time of recuperation, but it
soon became evident that their motives and desires were contrary to that of
AFAMMS. God used them to help me to literally get back on my feet and to
reinforce the purpose of why I am here in the Amazon. After 3 months they decided to leave because
the things of this world were more important than the souls of lost
people. I don’t blame them. At a glance,
the missionary life looks glamorous until one has to practice depending on God
for the everyday living.
The last week as that family was
leaving my “daughter” came to stay with me with her boyfriend and their
baby. They had lost their place to stay
and were on the street. They were the
help to help me get the house back in order after the family left. We began discipleship classes, preparation
for their wedding, and I prepared to go to the states to share with the
churches about the termination of the discipleship training school project. All the time my heart felt heavy because I was
questioning God as to what was my purpose. I wanted to know if what I was doing
here in Colombia was really necessary.
The most encouraging thing for me
in the States was hearing testimonies from the missionaries that attended the
mission conference in Maryland where I went to minister at the Peoples
Community Baptist Church. Yes, I shared,
but God used these men and women of His to encourage a tired missionary. I was not the only one who had projects that
did not materialize. What do you do? You
get up pray and keep going. As long as
there are people who have not heard the good news that they can be reconciled
to the Almighty Creator God and have an intimate relationship with Him, there
is still a place for me. The work that is done on the “mission field” is not
based on projects completed, but lives changed to the Glory of God and the
Godly influence on those who would never know of Him if I had never come and
sown His Word in a place where it had not been before planted. God causes the growth!

This month of December I am
continuing with my English and music students and recuperating. The pastor who is my covering here in Leticia
has given me this time for healing, but has shared with me his desire for me to
work more closely with the Ministerio de Misiones Church in the areas of
leadership training and the praise and worship team. Pastors Julio and Jenny
Pacheco have a vision to reach and encourage the brethren that are located in
the jungle that have less opportunity to receive what we experience in the
city. Pray that God will raise up teams
that will be willing to travel to these remote areas to be an encouragement to
the body of Christ.
Well, I have shared with you my
year in review and future vision. Keep
praying! Keep giving! And, come visit as God leads you. Have a Wonderful Holiday Season!!
Adventuring with Christ,
Min. Orchidy T Boyd
Exec. Dir. AFAMMS