Wednesday, February 15, 2012

January News Letter

Happy New Year to you all!  What a joy it was to bring in the New Year with dear brothers and sisters in Christ in Bogota.  The Lord directed me to participate with the 4 Square Church in the Andes for their 5th Congress of pastors and leaders.  I had the privileged of serving on the praise and worship team   on my electric violin.  

 I also taught a workshop on changing the focus of the local church from just community to a global perspective. Also, the importance of using the local community as a training ground for preparing and equipping the saints to reach other nations that have not yet been reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Many were very touched and challenged because I was actually living in their country reaching out to their unreached indigenous people.  Please pray that more pastors and church leaders here in Colombia would become more involved with the global heart of God.   The Pastor Guillermo Parra will be sending their youth group to minister to our children in La Maloca.  Glory to God for this decision to come to the Amazon! Pray for them in their preparations to come.

I am excited about the opportunities this year!  
 In the community elections, Nelson
 was voted as the Curaca Segundo (which is like Vice President) and Angel was voted Curaca (President) of the tribe.  These are two Godly men that want to see their community grow in the knowledge of the One True God.  This will give liberty to the body of Christ for the next 2 years (at least)  to flourish without political opposition.  Hallelujah!!

2012 Prayer Points

 - Vision Trip teams that will come in March, April and June and the individuals that have shown interest to come sometime this year.
 - Networking with Yagua Communities and Making a presentation DVD to raise funds for Yagua Training Center.
 - Raising a minimum of $100,00.00 for building the Yagua Training Center. Fundraising trip in July/August/September.
 - Persons committed to the Lord willing to train and then teach in the Yagua Training Center Discipleship Program
 - The continued openness of the Communities Leaders to receive this project.

Orchidy's Personal Prayer and Praise
1.  At the end of 2011, I was finally seen by a specialist to find out why my muscles were not healing from the accident of 2007.  The diagnosis was Fibromyalgia.  This is a disease that is similar to arthritis but, instead of affecting the joints it affects the muscles.  This explains why I have constantly been in pain the last few years.  The blessing part is that even though this could be very painful and costly, God has provided me with a physical therapist that has committed to treat me indefinitely at no cost.  It is his way of partnering with me in reaching the Yaguas.
2.  God has been speaking with me a lot these past few weeks.  He keeps reminding me to expect great things and to trust Him for the outcome of placing my hope in Him.  Whether it is giants or entering into the promise land, He has given me the victory before hand because He said He would do it! Praise God with me for this year's great successful victories!

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