Here I come!
I will be arriving in Michigan on the 30th of
September and I will be in the States until I return on the 11th of
November to Leticia, Amazonas Colombia.
I am sooo... looking forward to seeing as many of my family and friends
as possible.

These are the cares that I am casting on the Lord for the
next 2 months. (1Pe 5:7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.)
(NKJV) Please join me in prayer for these areas.
1. My father's health
2. My rent in Colombia paid
3. Meals and transportation in the States
4. Taxes completed and a payment plan set up (unless God
provides all at once)
5. Transportation to Maryland round trip.
6. Transportation to Missouri round trip
7. Motorcar for Colombia (Motorcar $5,000.00 including
documents and insurance)
8. Tickets paid for Leticia Colombia to Michigan round trip
I am believing for a minimum
of $8,000.00 for this trip. I believe
that God will do this because I have experienced Him do more. Keep praying and sharing the vision. I like what Paul says in Romans 15:20 about
preaching the gospel where it has not been preached before... That is why I am
here in the Amazon. I believe that God wants me to be free to minister.
Thank you again for your
giving. With the exchange rate at 3,000 to a
dollar your donation goes a long way. The Presence of God in the Amazonas!! Blessings my brothers and sisters in Christ.
dollar your donation goes a long way. The Presence of God in the Amazonas!! Blessings my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Adventuring with Christ,
Min. Orchidy T Boyd