in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (NKJV).

newest challenge is travel expenses.
It is one thing to travel to the states for an important board meeting
as a single missionary. I just cut
out expenses and save for the trip.
I must now think of everything double. I am in the process of obtaining the documents for Neivy and
I to travel to the states during her school break (June 15 – July 7, 2013) for
some much needed R&R for her and R&R plus an AFAMMS Board Meeting for
me. Because it is cheaper to fly
to Orlando from Leticia, we will spend a few days with a friend that has been
keeping things in storage at her home for me. After picking up those things, we will (Lord willing)
continue on to Maryland to meet with my pastors and, Neivy will connect with
the youth group there. Our last
stop will be in Michigan. Neivy
will have a chance to meet her new family and get to know her new home away
from home while learning English.
I will be helping her with English and meeting with the AFAMMS
Board. Please keep us in your
prayers. For those that would like to support financially please click the following link PayPal . The time is quickly approaching so do not delay. Thank you ahead of time.
15th my pastors Bishop
David and Min. Allethia Perrin came to visit with 7 other members from their church. Brenda from Mississippi joined their team here in the
Amazon. What a blessing they were
to me! They grew in their
knowledge of what the ministry is here in the Amazon and were able to give good
counsel and encouragement to Neivy and me. We were able to show the Luke video
to the Yaguas for the first time. They were excited to see the first movie in
their own language. Thank you
Powlison family for providing this unique opportunity. Even though the time seemed too short,
it was good! Thank you Christ Kingdom Church for blessing us here in the
they left for the states, we had about a week to rest and focus on school. Then
Isaiah came to visit. He is a
Moody Bible Institute graduate who is now seeking God as to where he is to be
located to do his part in “the mission.” His youth and enthusiasm was
refreshing and he was a good example of what living with purpose on purpose
means. He stayed with us for a
little over a week visiting with various organizations and tribal groups and,
then moved on to visit with the Yagua group in Urco Miranyo. Please keep Isaiah in your prayers as
he travels. He has stepped into
the water to see the glory of God manifest in his life just like the children
of Israel did at the Jordan river. Now that is “trusting In God” in action!
blessed us with a boat for a time thanks to many of you. With the changes in ministry and the
rising costs in gas, it is less expensive for me to travel to the new community
(which is an hour further) by public transportation. I am teaching discipleship in the village of La Libertad
every 2nd Saturday of the month. There is a small but faithful group of Yaguas there who have
asked me to teach them the Word of God.
Some of them are Neivy's relatives. What a blessing!
Please pray that I will be able to sale the boat soon before the dry
season. Since I am more in the
city, it would be good to have a motorcycle or (if God wills) a car.
have been encouraged by and appreciate the many comments that many of you have
written to us on Facebook. Thank
you and please feel free to continue to keep in touch. YOU ALL BLESS ME!! For those who have been giving to
Neivy's support, THANK YOU! Maybe
we will get to see some of you when we come to the states. Together we are reaching the Yagua
with Christ,
Orchidy T Boyd